Terms & Conditions

This website is the property of LOGRISE, Lda. a private limited company with head office at Urbanização Encosta do Pateiro, Lote 57 8400-651 Parchal – Lagoa, registered at the Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Lagos under the single registration and VAT number 3716.0665.3819

It is recognized, for the purposes of this contract, the following definitions:

  • SERVICE – Octoki
  • USER – Busines or/and legal person that acquires the Service
  • ACCOUNT – Own domain of each user/API services that the client has running (Google API, Facebook API)
  • SITE – octoki.com

A) Terms of Service

By using the logrise.com SITE (“Service”), and contracting the provision of this SERVICE, the USER agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”):

  1. LOGRISE reserves the right to update and amend the Terms of SERVICE periodically and without prior notice;
  2. Any new feature that improves or enhances the current SERVICE, including the release of new tools and features, is subject to the conditions set forth in the Terms of SERVICE;
  3. Continued use of the SERVICE by the user, after the occurrence of any changes operated by LOGRISE, constitutes express consent to such changes;
  4. The USER may review the most current version of the Terms of SERVICE at any time at the following location: https://www. logrise.com/termos-condicoes;
  5. The USER is prohibited from using the website and/or its content and/or the SERVICE and/or your Logrise ACCOUNT for: (A) any illegal purpose; (B) request others to perform or participate in any illicit acts; (C) violate any administrative, local, regional, national, international regulations; (D) infringe or violate the intellectual property rights of LOGRISE or third parties; (E) harass, abuse, insult, damage, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate or discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, nationality or disability; (F) present false or misleading information; (G) upload files or transmit viruses or any other malicious code that will or may be used in any way that affects the functionality or operability of the website or any related website, other sites, or the Internet; (H) collect or track the personal information of others; (I) “spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl, or scrape”; (J) any obscene or immoral purpose; or (K) interfere with or circumvent the features of the website, the SERVICE, any related website, other websites, or the security of the Internet. The USER acknowledges and accepts that LOGRISE cannot be held responsible for the content inserted by it in the SERVICE.
  6. Violation of any of the conditions set forth in the Terms of SERVICE grants LOGRISE the right to terminate the ACCOUNT of the offending USER;
  7. The USER expressly accepts and assumes own risk in the use of the SERVICE.

B) Account Terms of Use:

  1. The SERVICE may only be used by users who are 18 years of age or older;
  2. To register for the SERVICE, the applicant for use of the SERVICE must provide a full name, a valid e-mail address and any other information that may be requested by the service provider;
  3. The ACCOUNT login may only be used by one USER – no sharing of a single login by multiple people is allowed. USER may create separate logins for as many users as their plan allows;
  4. The USER is entirely responsible for maintaining the security of their personal / individual / private ACCOUNT and password. LOGRISE cannot and will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from the USER’s failure or failure to comply with this security obligation;
  5. The USER is responsible for all content inserted and activity that occurs on his ACCOUNT (even when the content is inserted by other users with access to their account). By submitting or posting such content on areas of the SERVICE accessible to the public, the USER assumes responsibility for it, including for its lawfulness, accuracy and veracity, releasing LOGRISE from all liability, including tax or para-fiscal liabilities inherent in the management or issue of any document;
  6. The USER assumes all risks and costs inherent to the use of the SERVICE;
  7. USER may not use the SERVICE for any illegal/illicit, fraudulent or unauthorized purposes. USER may not, in the use of the SERVICE, violate any laws of any jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright).

C) Terms of Use

Customers / users can browse / consult the data on their Logrise ACCOUNT (“Site Usage”). Any use of the SITE is bound by the terms of this agreement and the following specific terms:

  1. The USER expressly understands and agrees that LOGRISE cannot be held liable, not even for negligence, for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to: damages for loss of profits, good faith, misuse, data or other intangible losses (even if LOGRISE has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from your use of the SITE or third-party products accessing data through the SITE;
  2. LOGRISE reserves the right, at any time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, your access to the SITE (or any part thereof) with or without prior notice.
  3. In the event that the SERVICE is permanently discontinued, LOGRISE will inform the USER of this fact with thirty (30) consecutive days in advance, of the date of termination.
  4. After closing the ACCOUNT, LOGRISE will send the USER all the documents, data and information that exist in the USER’s ACCOUNT, via email, in a compressed file and in PDF format.

D) Terms of Payment, Refund, Upgrade and Downgrade

  1. Payment for SERVICE and ACCOUNT will preferably be made by Direct Debit, Service and Purchase Payment, Credit Card or ATM.
  2. If the USER registers and requests the SERVICE on a payment plan basis and does not cancel the ACCOUNT within thirty (30) days, the billing for collection of the SERVICE will be issued on the thirtieth (30th) day after the initial creation of his/her account.
  3. If during the free evaluation period the USER requests or upgrades the SERVICE the free evaluation period will immediately end and the following month the SERVICE will be billed.
  4. The free trial period is defined with the first 7 days after sending the billing data and accepting the terms herein.
  5. SERVICE is billed in advance, depending on the contracted periodicity or prepaid plan and is in either case non-refundable. There will be no refunds or credits for partial months of SERVICE, upgrade/downgrade refunds, or refunds for unused months with open ACCOUNT. Based on the principle of equality no exceptions will be considered.
  6. The USER is responsible for the payment of any fees, taxes or fiscal, tax and duty obligations for the use of the SERVICE.
  7. The agreed price does not include any fees, taxes or obligations imposed by the tax authorities.
  8. If the USER performs or intends to upgrade or downgrade the account plan, payment for this SERVICE will be immediately and automatically due, falling due in the billing period immediately following, and may be collected by LOGRISE through ATM or other accepted means of payment, namely paypal, if the USER has provided it on the date of hiring the SERVICE or during its execution.
  9. The SERVICE price of a given ACCOUNT may not be reduced nor will it be subject to renegotiation with LOGRISE.

E) Annulment and Resolution

  1. The USER is solely responsible for the proper cancellation of their ACCOUNT. Cancellation can be done at any time through the SERVICE SITE itself. The ACCOUNT screen displays a simple cancellation link. Sending an email message or a phone call requesting the cancellation of your ACCOUNT is not considered a proper procedure for this purpose and the ACCOUNT will not be cancelled.
  2. Upon cancellation of the SERVICE by the user, the content of the ACCOUNT will be immediately deleted and the information and content in memory/saved/maintained cannot be recovered, wherefore LOGRISE strongly advises the USER to create a safety storage or backup.
  3. If cancellation of SERVICE occurs before the end of the month for which payment has already been made, cancellation will take effect immediately and the SERVICE for that month will not be charged again.
  4. LOGRISE, at its sole discretion and at any time, has the right to suspend or terminate the ACCOUNT of any USER and refuse any and all use of the SERVICE, current or future, or any other SERVICE provided by LOGRISE in the event of failure by the USER to comply with these TERMS and CONDITIONS or its PRIVACY POLICIES. The closure of the SERVICE implies deactivation and/or deletion of the USER’s ACCOUNT or even preventing the USER from accessing his/her ACCOUNT, as well as the right to confiscate the entire contents of the USER’s ACCOUNT.
  5. LOGRISE reserves the right to refuse to provide the SERVICE to any natural or legal person for any reason, at any time.

F) Modifications to the SERVICE and Prices

  1. LOGRISE reserves the right, at any time and periodically, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the SERVICE (or any part of it) without prior notice or with prior notice of thirty (30) consecutive days in the case of permanent discontinuance.
  2. LOGRISE may discontinue the SERVICE or part of it, whenever it detects the need to alter or correct it. The USER expressly accepts that LOGRISE will automatically provide it with such corrections as part of the SERVICE and any breaks inherent thereto.
  3. As part of the SERVICE, LOGRISE may also proceed with temporary discontinuities and modifications to the SERVICE, due to corrections of software problems, functionality enhancements, general improvements, or even completely new versions of the SERVICE, with the intention of improving its provision, thus aiming for maximum satisfaction and benefit for the user. LOGRISE will not be liable to the USER or any third party for any damages that may result or arise from termination or suspension of the USER’s ACCOUNT and/or access to the SERVICE.
  4. Prices for all SERVICES, including but not limited to the monthly subscription for the SERVICE fee plan, are subject to change upon 30 days notice. Such notice may be provided at any time by posting the changes on Logrise’s WEBSITE (www. logrise.com) or the SERVICE itself.
  5. The USER or third parties may not hold LOGRISE liable contractually, extra-contractually, criminally or in any other way for any modification or alteration of the prices, suspension or termination of the SERVICE.
  1. G) Copyright and ownership of content
  1. All Rights of the SERVICE are reserved to LOGRISE. The USER accepts that the SERVICE contains protected and confidential information that is protected by applicable law.
  2. The USER may not duplicate, copy, reproduce, redistribute, reuse any part of the SITE, SERVICE or ACCOUNT, or visual design elements or concepts without express written authorization from LOGRISE, under penalty of incurring civil and criminal liability.
  3. LOGRISE claims no intellectual property rights over the material and content, materials and profile that the USER inserts into the SERVICE.
  1. H) General Conditions
  1. The USER assumes its own risk in using the SERVICE. The SERVICE is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.
  2. Technical support is provided via email, to users and paid account holders who are not in arrears or default on payments.
  3. LOGRISE uses hosting partners and vendors to provision the hardware, software, networking, storage and related technologies required to run the site.
  4. You may not modify or adapt the Service Site.
  5. The user may not use the image, contents and information of the Service site to create or modify any site in order to create confusability with, or imitation of, the LOGRISE Site, or any other service provided by LOGRISE.
  6. The user may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any part of the Site, use of the Site, or access to the Site without express written permission by LOGRISE under penalty of incurring civil and criminal liability.
  7. User shall not upload, post, host, or transmit unsolicited e-mail, SMS, or “spam” messages.
  8. The service is provided online, for which LOGRISE accepts no responsibility for any connectivity failure and inherent impossibility of its use.
  9. The user must adopt preventive measures and equip himself with security guarantees so as not to transmit any virus or worms or any code of a destructive nature.
  10. LOGRISE does not guarantee that (i) the Service will meet your specific needs, (ii) the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, (iii) the results that may be obtained from the use of the Service will be accurate or reliable, (iv) the quality of the products, services, information or other materials purchased or obtained by you through the Service will meet your expectations, and (v) any errors in the service will be corrected.
  11. The user expressly understands and accepts that LOGRISE shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, damages for loss of profits, or other intangible losses (even if LOGRISE has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from: (i) the misuse or inability to use the service attributable to the user; (ii) the cost of acquisition of replacement goods and services resulting from any goods, data, information or services acquired or obtained or messages received or operations contracted or through the service; (iv) statements or conduct of third parties; (v) or any other matter relating to the Service.

Questions and queries about the Terms of Service should be sent to info@octoki.com.