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How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Using Multiple CRMs

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Using multiple customer relationship management (CRM) systems can seem like a good idea at first. However, the truth is that using more than two CRMs can actually be a risk in terms of productivity and data delivery.

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Where did my productivity go?

Let’s talk about productivity. When you’re using multiple CRMs, you’re essentially spreading your team’s focus and resources thin. Instead of being able to fully immerse themselves in a single system and become experts in its use, your team is forced to switch between multiple systems and try to remember how to use each one.

This can be frustrating and time-consuming, and it can take away the time they could be spending on more important tasks.

Data Silos

On top of that, using multiple CRMs can lead to data silos. Each CRM system is its own entity, and it can be difficult to get them to communicate and share data with each other. This means that you could potentially have important customer data trapped in one CRM, while other key information is stuck in another. This can lead to confusion and inefficiencies when trying to get a complete picture of a customer or trying to access essential data.

But it’s not just about productivity and data delivery. Using multiple CRMs can also be a financial drain on your business. Each CRM system comes with its own subscription or licensing fees, and the costs can quickly add up if you’re using multiple systems. Plus, you’ll need to devote time and resources to maintaining and updating each system, which can also be costly.

What should you do?

So, what’s the solution? It’s simple: stick to one CRM system. By focusing all of your efforts on a single system, you can ensure that your team is fully trained and proficient in its use. This will lead to increased productivity and efficiency, as well as better data delivery. Plus, you’ll save money on subscription and licensing fees, as well as maintenance and updates.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “But what if I can’t find a CRM system that has all the features I need?” 

First of all, it’s important to realize that no CRM system is going to have every single feature you might want. However, most CRM systems offer a wide range of features that can meet the needs of most businesses. And if you really can’t find a CRM system that has everything you need, there are always options that like integrating with third-party apps or customizing the system to fit your specific needs.

In conclusion

Let’s list what we just talked about:

  • Using multiple CRM systems can spread a team’s focus and resources thin, leading to decreased productivity
  • Multiple CRMs can lead to data silos and difficulty accessing important customer data
  • Using multiple CRMs can be a financial drain on a business, with subscription and licensing fees and maintenance and updates
  • Focusing on a single CRM system can lead to increased productivity and better data delivery, as well as cost savings
  • It is possible to customize a CRM system or integrate with third-party apps to meet specific needs if a single CRM cannot fulfill all requirements

Using more than two CRM systems can be risky in terms of productivity and data delivery. It can lead to confusion and inefficiencies, and it can also be a financial drain on your business. By focusing on a single CRM system, you can ensure that your team is fully trained and proficient in its use, leading to increased productivity and better data delivery. Plus, you’ll save money on subscription and licensing fees and maintenance and updates. So, next time you’re tempted to add another CRM system to your arsenal, think twice – your team (and your wallet) will thank you.

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