How to ensure a secure customer onboarding process

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With so many customers, is it really necessary to share any passwords during the onboarding process? Learn how to ensure a fast and secure onboarding for clients.

Table of Contents

What is Onboarding?

Onboarding is the integration of the client in a service/product stage.

Onboarding processes change from company to company or from service to service. However, we found common elements such as:

  • Tutorials
  • Online Documentation
  • Dynamic emails, texts, or meetings
  • Contextual learning through an app or website

By improving your customer onboarding process, you can increase revenue and help retain more customers.

To achieve this, you need:

  • Understand your customer’s needs
  • Finding the fastest way to solve problems
  • Use of the resources at your disposal and continuous information about changes
  • Create unique experiences
  • Use of questionnaires to improve services

The 3 biggest challenges in onboarding clients

Passwords, passwords, passwords

With so many customers, is it really necessary to share passwords? What if something happens? After all, we are putting our hands in our customers’ pocket money!

There are methods of giving users permission to advertise platforms on social media or search engines. However, not every customer understands how to add a user, what permissions to give, or what a Business Manager is – sometimes it seems that sharing the username and password is the easiest method.

We are well aware that passwords are not shared, and although we are hiring a service to improve our business, there is always the possibility of ill intent, not all professionals are… professionals! If only there was a solution…

Time Wasting

Attempts to set up a meeting, missed calls, client internet not working, forgetfulness – we’ve seen it all, and we believe you have too!

Onboarding is essential, but it can also be a huge waste of time, both for us and for the client.

Data Dispersion

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, there are so many platforms that it’s chaotic in how we manage to organize ourselves.

Imagine the scenario: connecting to 3 different platforms, of a new client, in which you have to put it online in 3 days – we know it’s complicated, that’s why we recommend…

An easy and secure onboarding

Onboarding is no longer a headache. Octoki is a CRM for marketers, whether they are freelancers, team members, or take part in a department, Octoki fits like a glove.

Do you know when you enter a platform and there are 2 or 3 registration/login options, with our Google account, Facebook, or creating a registration? — Octoki works the same way.

Onboarding do Octoki
Onboarding – Octoki

After logging in, there is the possibility for the customer to choose which platform he is registering for in the system. Then Octoki grabs the customer’s hand and guides him through the login steps. The customer selects a business, and an ad account, and has access to his business dashboard.

And thou? Well, you as Octoki’s Admin can do whatever you want because the client has already given you authorization! In 3 to 5 minutes, the headache of having to get together, explaining steps for the thousandth time, and the risk of sharing passwords or wasting too much time on onboarding is over.

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